According to the Scotsman, The House of Lords once again defeated the government last night. Peers backed a joint Conservative and Liberal Democrat amendment that would prevent ministers making identity cards compulsory until at least 2011.
(A)former MI6 agent will be a key part of that resistance.
Baroness Park, who was made a peer by Margaret Thatcher, passed a withering verdict on the proposed cards, ridiculing ministers' suggestions that the system will make people safer. In fact, she said, the complete opposite is true.
"The very creation of such an enormous national identity register will be a present to terrorists; it will be a splendid thing for them to disrupt and blow up," she said.
On the back of the proposal to tag and number children earlier this week I could not believe the clamour from callers to NewstalkZB for an ID card for everybody! Lambs to the slaughter.
Dieuwe de Boer: National’s New Ute Tax
1 hour ago
Lindsay - It never ceases to amaze me how the general public on NZ think the government will fix all of our problems. I am sure this thinking wasn't around 40 years ago, maybe even 20. Cradle to the grave mentality that is spreading
"What good fortune for governments that the people do not think."
-Adolf Hitler
I don't know if I just like conspiracy theories too much or of conspiracy theory and reality just occasionally overlap, but I have this awful feeling that this unrelenting international progress on the ability to identify and track an individual is part of the New World Order's plan...
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