Tuesday, February 28, 2006

What a girl needs...

If you are unable to read this document it is a list of what the DPB Action Group wants. Let me summarise;

- reverse the 1991 benefit cuts which "devastated the social fabric of New Zealand.....government attacks on our livelihoods constitute violence against women and children."

- value the work done by sole mothers because "it is society's responsibility to support mothers and children."

- provide 100 percent free high quality childcare because "childcare is society's responsibility ...(and) stressed out mothers with young children need a break."

Next page to follow shortly.


Oswald Bastable said...

It ain't a wage, for starters.

If it were 60K a year, they would moan that it wasn't enough...

Libertyscott said...

It's so politically incorrect but.... either:

1. They should earn paid work;
2. Get the father to pay;
3. Claim life insurance or support from the rest of the family if he died;
4. Get ACC if it was rape; or
5. Take some responsibility for consensual sexual intercourse.

It's so tough, most parents do it funnily enough though.