Friday, December 23, 2005

Thank you Christchurch rate-payers

I find the salary of the Christchurch City Council Chief Executive absurd.

She has just had a 4.8 percent increase to $350,965.

Mayor Gary Moore says the increase is in line with the market range increase.

This isn't the market, it's public service. And local government is getting out of hand.

Oh, and she also received a bonus of $26,791. I hope she makes a point of thanking the ratepayers for this gift. Although "gift" is hardly the right word when the giver has no choice. My dictionary defines "gift" as "a voluntary transference of property with compensation." What is the word for "involuntary transference of property without compensation?"

Frederic Bastiat said, "The state is the great fiction by which everybody tries to live at the expense of everybody else."

Some are much better at it than others.


Mike Readman said...

I don't know, the pay doesn't seem that high considering that the CCC is one of the SI's largerst employers - and expanding fast.

Oswald Bastable said...

What does a shepherd get for looking after 2000 sheep?