Saturday, June 03, 2006

Double Standards

What a dilemma, when you agree with one sentiment expressed by a group whose main agenda is an obnoxious anathema. The National Front took out ads in a local newspaper describing National and Labour as Tweedledee and Tweedledum government. Well, if that's not true already there can be little doubt they are heading that way.

The National Front also called for "equal rights for kiwi whites". Wrong. They should be calling for equal rights for all individuals. BUT notice the furor over their ads while national ads claiming Maori Genocide earlier in the week passed under the radar. The Maori Smokefree Coalition can apparently make quite offensive claims without repurcussion.

1 comment:

KG said...

" The Maori Smokefree Coalition can apparently make quite offensive claims without repurcussion."
Of course they can--they're untouchable on two counts. They're Maori AND anti-smoking.