Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Needless attack on government directive by public health academics

In September 2024 the government issued a directive to government agencies not to prioritise services on the basis of race. Shortly after, a group of public health academics from Auckland and Otago Universities wrote a paper which was published in the NZ Medical Journal strongly opposing the directive.

They began by objecting to the term "race" because it is "discredited terminology" which "suggests that the foundations of white superiority are still alive and well in New Zealand today."

They argue that Maori ethnicity is an "evidence-based marker of need" and is "superior to many other markers of need." The example is given of the bowel cancer screening programme failure to recognise that "over half of Maori cancers occurred before the screening threshold of 60 years." The inference is, in this instance, being Maori is a "superior" marker of need.

It isn't. It is an additional and relevant marker. The government directive deals with this possibility as follows:

8.1 when considering proposals for services targeted to specific population groups, agencies should engage responsible Ministers early about choices or options being considered and:

8.1.1 provide a strong analytical case for targeted investment (based on empirical evidence about why such interventions are necessary, i.e. the disparity in outcomes between the target and the general population and why general services are not sufficient to address this), and an assessment of any opportunity costs in terms of the service needs of all New Zealanders

Yet the group persists with an overarching dismissal of the directive saying:

"This directive, and the political discourse surrounding it, is an affront to scientific and public health knowledge, and requires explicit rejection from health professionals and the scientific community."

The hyperbole only increases culminating with a threatening reprimand: 

"The Government’s directive is not just an attack on Māori, but an attack on science and good medical practice. Anyone who supports this directive, either actively or complicitly through their silence, is supporting the undermining of our collective scientific knowledge and commitment to evidence-based medical practice."

This implies that any health professional who quietly supports the directive will be perceived and painted as some sort of traitor. Heavy stuff.

But then, in an astonishing, concluding, admission which undermines their own credibility the authors write:

"Our concern is that this circular will be interpreted as shorthand for “no more ethnicity-based anything” when this is not what the directive actually says, and certainly not what is needed."

Indeed. The directive, issued by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, is quite clear and considered.

Not so the lead author, Belinda Loring,  who told Radio New Zealand, in justifying her stance:

"The good outcomes and high level of high quality service that Pākehā receive isn't the same for other ethnic groups. So it's that inequity that continually needs to be adjusted."

This comes as something of a surprise from one who values "regard for evidence" so highly. The escalating inability to access primary healthcare due to the diminishing availability of GPs; the consequent long waits at ED and after hours clinics; the long wait times for elective surgery; the shortage of ambulances etc are all well-documented and affect all New Zealanders, especially those who live in rural areas.

With that statement the author has only contributed to the "political discourse" she rails so angrily against.


Gary Moller said...

Thank you, Lindsay, for standing up to these ridiculous attempts to justify welfarism and entitlement based on race. I have told this story before, but is is worth repeating.

My children are 50/50 European and a mix of Pasifika. So, my youngest son goes to the Dr for a minor matter. He goes to pay and is told there is no charge. He asks why and is told it is because he is Pasifika. He insists he pays. They day there is no facility for him to do this. He comes home grumpy and complains to Mum and Dad. We raised our children to understand there are no free lunches in life and they get ahead through hard work, reliability, and having lots of smarts - merit. These qulaities have nothing to do with the colour of my children's skin - or mine.

So, I am the white male pensioner, and I go to the Dr the following week for a minor matter and I get charged $80 for the ten-minute job!
Go figure!

Mobfiz said...

Terrific. Thanks.

Aaron said...

Thank you Lyndsay for continuing to expose this sort of deliberate attempt of leftist control and extremism over exceedingly clear government directive.
This has to stop.
The current government, no matter how much public support they have backing them is hand-tied ( hamstrung) by those employed by that organization alone that employs them and won't do what they're told.
See...that's a sacking , straight up as bloody stairrods, , because those the elected officials pay , who we voted in , have the say. Not these worthless self entitled narssasistic shitbags that think they still rule the roost. They don't anymore. Look.
You may well disagree with your directives, whether employed by a business or a government controlled entity....but to deliberately behave contrary to those directives, to be obtuse, to be willfully disobedient and obstructional for the sake of their ideaology over directives is surely, surely a don't fucking bother turning up Monday offence.
And in the private sector...it most certainly is exactly this way. And so it should be so.
The coalition, whilst making a fair to middling fist of the train wreck they've inherited will achieve diddly fucking squat because their directives aren't being followed.... The question is ... What will they do about it?
Lyndsay, I firmly believe that we don't need, and never have needed this
Convoluted and stifling level of pen pushers, clipboard wheelbarrow pushers and soul sucking stopworks that are prolifergate at government and local council level.
Let me give you an example of this madness.
I've a bloody good mate. His wife works for my local council as a ' traffic
Sign off supervisor "
In other words,a box ticker.
She's a lovely lady and knows all to well that her role doesn't mean jack shit....but is paid well and , as she openly admits gets a fairly good salary for doing nothing.
That's what new Zealand specializes in, employing a whole bunch of useless twits to stand around a water cooler and fuck the place up with over regulation, in tow with zealot driven facists leading them and pissing our money up against a brick wall.
To achieve 5/8ths of fucking nothing.
This coalition has to crack the shits now because this openly truant disobedience, if allowed to continue may well hurt them at the next election.
Perception is everything and even if the coalition whilst making inroads into 6 years of horse shit is compromised by those they employ deliberately sabotaging them....time to fuck those wreckers off and replace every facet of management within that department, starting with middle management and extending up to top shelf.
If that's an issue, then either they're to piss weak to take the stance of a private employer or so woke that they think trying to " engage" with these eternal whinging dropouts is an answer.
No it fucking well isn't.
Us, the taxpayer, are paying the freight for this obsfucation and deliberate odstructive behavour from those you employ, and since , as taxpayers we are the largest employer of all, you'd better fucking well wake up and listen,because we've had 6 years of this shit and aren't about to weather any more socialist flannel.
To national, act and nz first?
It isn't hard. See, you employ them, I employ you. I'm the gun, I'm the boss, so you either get them to do as their told or your sorry arse is getting a good kicking next election time. Doesn't mean I won't vote for you again... But it's a bloody great whacking stick I'll wave about untill you wake the fuck up and fly straight.
Aaron 👍

Anonymous said...

Lindsay’s response addresses a couple of difficulties with Loring et al.

For a much longer and more detailed response,if you have the time, there’s:


Dave Lenny

Anonymous said...

Dr Loring's Auckland University profile opening line is:

Dr Belinda Loring B.Med (MD), MPH (Hons), FAFPHM (RACP) is a non-Māori specialist public health physician.....

Belinda wants to get that ethnicity bit out there in the open quick-smart, just so you know what you are dealing with 😊

Recently, she hooked up with gullible Isaac Davidson of the Herald to publish a ground breaking piece of medical enlightenment, the link to which is below. Isaac doesn't deploy much journalistic rigour with this piece; perhaps because he was so in thrall of the good doctor and her fellow traveller Dr Mutu-Grigg. The two doctors make some staggering claims and conclusions. Mutu-Grigg is a master manipulator of data. He quotes from his source the number of TOTAL hip/knee replacements, the inference being this demonstrates ethnic prioritisation in favour of European. What he fails to mention is that it includes those ops. done PRIVATELY as well. The irony is that there COULD in fact be a skew in favour of Maori in terms of publicly funded ops., but this is negated in the final total by the number of European who end up joining the private queue. Davidson is too inept to work out that he is being played. And surely you ask, given his stance for equity, Mutu-Grigg will be toiling away trying to redress the imbalance as a House Surgeon in the public system treating his fellow (part) Maori? Not on your life - he is in private practice, no doubt enabling that skew in favour of Europeans that he rails against! It's too funny.


Anonymous said...

Well covered - it just goes to show how riddled NZ society is with that awful disease ‘hypocrisy’.

Anonymous said...

Hello Aaron, I’ve missed your colourful comments since BB & H days. You’re right of course. All the best. Basil

ZekeWulfe said...

Hello from me too Aaron... lost your contact Along with many others) when free speech was abolished at BBH

zeke said...

The Left are the epitome of hypocrisy, but nevertheless they need to be tolerated. Toleration being a quality in society the Left just do not understand