Sunday, August 28, 2022

More children unsafe under Ardern's watch

Jacinda Ardern in 2017:

“...we are small enough that we can absolutely introduce child wellbeing policies so that New Zealand is once again a great place to bring up children and be a child.”

Since then, more children are being investigated for family harm incidents:

More children are victims of intentional injury and sexual assault:

Yes, I am being selective but so is the Prime Minister when she announces:


david said...

That's what she wants to do, so that's what she says her government is doing. Only problem is that she has no idea how to actually achieve it. I suspect that when (if) she asks her advisors whether children's lives are being improved she will be told what actions have been taken (eg taking maori children away from white families, giving families more money) but not whether there has been improvement under any measurable statistic.

Anonymous said...

Have we ever looked into the correlation between loss of morality that comes with increasing atheism and the decreasing status of children, families and state wards in NZ?