Thursday, February 24, 2022

Luxon likes lefties way too much

Talking to Chris Lynch this morning on Magic Talk, National Leader Chris Luxon was singing the praises of our last Children's Commissioner Andrew Becroft. There is no link available so you have to trust me. He said something to the effect that Becroft was a really great Children's Commissioner (in a discussion about the role being disestablished).

Becroft was a really great socialist. He clamored for bigger benefits and wage indexed benefits.

He supported Labour's move to stop requiring mothers to name the father of their child (after describing, as Principal Youth Court Judge earlier, how the most common factor in those that appeared before him was 'fatherlessness.)  He called for child support payments to stop being used to offset sole parent benefits, preferring the taxpayer to make up the shortfall. Because more than half of sole parents are Maori he said the current law was racist.  He backs the devolution of Oranga Tamariki services to Maori buying into the 'legacy of colonization' excuses for disproportionate Maori child abuse. 

While I cannot give you his direct word-for-word quote from this morning's interview here is what he said in his departure interview: 

The Māori staff in my office tell me that pre-colonised New Zealand was a land where children were not only valued but were also involved and included in community decision-making. 

That’s not something we do so well in New Zealand now. 

Over his tenure I watched him tow the government line more and more; the Maori world-view more and more.

Not once did I read or see him advocate for parental responsibility. He was totally into Jacinda's Robin Hood recipe for child poverty reduction.

Even if Luxon only read the well-meaning headlines he must have formed some opinion of the Commissioner's chosen ideology.

Luxon likes lefties way too much.


Rick said...

My assumption is that Becroft is on the outs with Labour 6.0 so Luxon is trying to recruit him or at least have him defect and hurt Labour. It's all chess.

"On his return, he slapped the still sleeping child and when back to bed muttering his disappointment. This went on for some time, until one memorable morning the now apprehensive child heard the old man leave the room. When he returned to slap the sleeper, the child gazed up at him with wide open eyes…this was as it should be, for no warrior must be caught napping.”- Ewing (1970)

The Rousseauian myth that stone age Maoris (or anyone) had C21st Attachment parenting runs right up against all historical evidence. There's even a story of Maori fathers who performed taxidermy on their children and laughed about how well behaved they had become!



GH said...

Luxon (and therefore Nat) is not much of an option. Neither is ACT. Variations of the same ideology, differences in implementation only.
Do we even have a (viable) option in NZ?

oneblokesview said...

Unfortunately Mr Luxon is still treating his job as a business guy. NOT a politician.
A lot to learn.
Guess thats what happens when you promote apprentices to be managers.