Thursday, February 04, 2021

Good is bad: black is white: up is down

People growing produce which earns income for the country are no longer good. They pollute, they treat their animal stock badly, they export livestock in inhumane ways to countries that abuse human rights.

People providing places for other people to live in are no longer good. They pry, they fail to maintain their properties well, they exploit rental prices and deny would-be home owners opportunity.

People who pay the lion's share of  tax are no longer good. They are the greedy privileged.

They're all bad.

So who are the new 'good'?

Government members who uncritically side with any group with a grievance because superficial kindness is key.

A media that uncritically sides with any person or group with a grievance because producing headlines that contain 'racism' and 'sexism' is all that's left in the age of click-bait. ('Ageism' isn't really very popular because the media hates boomers.)

Public servants who correct and regulate the behaviours of the farmers and landlords (while living at their expense).

Academics who study and publish about the behaviours of bad people (while living at their expense).

What will happen?

The 'bad' people will get on with it regardless. That's what they do.

The 'good' people will get ever more emboldened by the seeming acqiescence of the 'bad' people. They must be guilty.

Democracy should stand a chance of righting this upside-down stuff.

But with interference in the democratic process, inculcation of children about the past so as the shape the future, and the mass adoration of a highly photogenic Prime Minister (with potential longevity), I am very unsure about New Zealand's future right now.


Rick said...

I've identified a cycle, a rotation of cultures that take their turn in the mainstream. Right now we've got a crazy Slave Culture of tantrum throwing people catered to by a Victimhood Culture.

The politicians and marketers (esp Countdown, sheesh!) are Victimhood Culture and their power depends on pleasing the Slave Culture masses. But, eventually the masses become too many and their demands too great so they overwhelm the VC. They go bust. The SC bites the hand that fed it. The VC runs out of other people's money to give away.

We're now very close to that point, and the cycle will continue.


Brendan McNeill said...

“Adam Smith once wrote that there’s a “great deal of ruin in a nation,” by which he meant that it takes an awful lot of bungling by political leaders to bring down a powerful and prosperous state. While it is arguable how prosperous we are in NZ, the maxim still holds true.

My sense is that we are heading for some kind if dystopia rather than complete economic collapse. The question is what kind of dystopia? Most likely a soft totalitarian kind policed by big tech, rather than one imposed by governments. In this new environment, which is essentially religious, correct speech, correct thought, and correct actions will be rigidly policed, for the most part by big tech. They really do know all about you unless you don't own a mobile phone, and are completely off line.

For those who are somewhat contrarian in disposition, or who happen to hold to a competing religious worldview, life will become difficult. If banks can cancel a President's accounts and big tech remove him from social media, and then be cheered by the mainstream media for their actions, what chance the rest of us?

david said...

And a sign that says "equal rights" is considered offensive.