Wednesday, November 18, 2020

On whether our falling fertility rate matters

Talking to Heather du Plessis Allan on NewstalkZB this afternoon (the article was generated before the interview).

Update - Kerre McIvor picked up the theme and some of the interview this morning. Great. Exactly what the report was intended to generate. Discussion.

1 comment:

Rick said...

Kiwis are an endangered species.

"New Zealand has just recorded its lowest-ever fertility rate."

"What that translated to, is that without migration, the population would join others around the world that are shrinking."

A country can continue on these islands but it will need to be colonised by some other cultures and races. There is not reason to believe they will wish to carry on our way of life, our system of government, or even call it New Zealand.

In other news, "New Zealand has just elected one of the most diverse parliaments in the world" and that's taken as great news. So far we're embracing our replacement. No 'rivers of blood' thus far, nor even a whimper.
