Sunday, May 10, 2020

A 'tool buy-back scheme'

Son has been made redundant two years into a building apprenticeship. Employer laying off over a third of their workforce.

Said to me this morning, "Do you think the government should run a 'tool buy-back scheme' for apprentice builders? The tools in my boot are worth more than my car!"


Mark Hubbard said...

That's a blow for your son, though, Lindsay. If we can get back to Level 2 this week, hopefully he'll land on his feet again.

Mark Wahlberg said...

Lindsay, I must be old fashioned. I thought apprenticeships involved a contract between the employer and the apprentice. Is this not so anymore?

May I suggest your son sell his car before he surrenders his tools. They may seem a liability today, but eventually they will reveal their worth and reward him.

Anne Tiffa said...

But surely he can just go out and get another apprenticeship. After all, that's always your answer to people who lose their jobs through no fault of their own.

And buying back his tools would just make the welfare state even less sustainable. You need to give your son a good talking too before he becomes a proper socialist.

homepaddock said...

A friend was an apprentice mechanic in North Otago during the ag-sag of the 1980s. He was laid off, found another employer, was laid off again and found a third employer with whom he was able to complete his apprenticeship. He now runs his own very successful farming operation. It won’t be easy for your son, but may he find another employer - and one that enables him to qualify.

Lindsay Mitchell said...

Thank you all. I posted his remark only because I thought it was an imaginative, rather funny response (then it needed context). He'll be fine. And Mark W, he certainly will not be selling off his tools. He loves them.