"In the meantime, if we comply with the rules, enforceable or not - because they are good law - then we will get to the end of the 4 weeks, flatten the curve, and carry on in restricted fashion with a health service able to cope with whatever comes its way, which is the point of all this. After all, the virus has cemented its place in our health environment and in the fashion of viruses, has secured its own survival by not killing everyone it meets." (My emphasis)
This guy makes sense to me and yet when I click on the embedded link midway through the article I read this:
Alert level 4 - eliminate
And yesterday: "Almost two-thirds of New Zealanders are willing to have the current lockdown extended so Covid-19 can be eradicated, a new survey has found."
There is a distinct whiff of the Mad Hatters tea party about all of this. And it's getting stronger by the day.
Still we've had all manner of bureaucratic bullshit going on for a while in this country. Smokefree Aotearoa 2025, Predator Free 2050 and most recently Road to Zero - the elimination of all road deaths. We haven't even achieved that in the lockdown!
"Il meglio รจ l'inimico del bene"
We went from level 2 to level 4 in two days which smells of panic to me.
And now have no idea how to get out of it
The cold and flu season is just beginning are we going to emerge on its as it begins or are we going to spend winter 2020 under house arrest?
And who is going to pay for it all?
Hint: my retirement savings and yours
The survey appears to be one canvassing public servants who continue to be paid their full salary. A more meaningful survey would seek the views of those who are suffering. Which doesn’t mean to say that the lockdown shouldn’t continue, simply that doing so may well have consequences. Indeed will have consequences.
To quote Chief Dan George "We must endeavour to persevere."
makes sense to me.
Lets hope the pendulum of opinion starts to swing back to normality.
Of course we all get behind the leader when the invasion force is approaching the beaches.
When the landing craft are scattered or sunk. Then we start to think like normal human beings.
Remember Churchill was dumped at the first elections after the war.
Hero to zero when people had choices.
How could anyone with more than three braincells expect the masses amongst whom it is assumed the poll was conducted to have any idea what the options represented as choices.
Hell a significant number of those pretending to pilot NZ Inc down the slippery slope are stabbing blindfolded at the imponderable space of two objects, one the health issues and second the very related economic aspects.
The former requires the second to fund it and the second needs the former to enable functionality.
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