Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Indian migrants appearing in courts more often than Mongrel Mob members?

Shane Jones' adding- insult- to- injury comments are intriguing:

"I challenge anyone in New Zealand to disagree with me in terms of the sad regularity with which we are seeing egregious cases of abuse, in the media, coming from the Indian migrant community upon their own. In fact, they're appearing in courts with more regularity than the Mongrel Mob."
You would assume that "egregious" cases of abuse would earn at least a community sentence if not a term in prison. Yet Asian and other offenders make up just 4-5% of prisoners or offenders with a community sentence.

In 2015  nine percent of the prison population was Mongrel Mob. By 2018 the number had climbed to around 11 percent.

I suppose there could be some quirk such as all convicted Indian offenders are deported?? But even then they would serve their prison sentence first. Any other ideas that might back up Jones' claim?

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