Sunday, March 01, 2015

"Honestly, Mum, chances are he WON'T stay with you."

Jack Tame reports from New York:

For a while, subway cars were plastered end-to-end with photos of crying babies and the line: "Honestly, Mum, chances are he WON'T stay with you."
That one was an ad for family planning services. What cheerier way to start the morning commute?
Now that's the sort of ad MSD/WINZ should be funding and running in New Zealand trains and buses. (I was going to say on the backs of buses but the targeted demographic is more likely to be inside. Then again best put them everywhere lest the politically correct take offence.)

Strictly speaking the odds are with the mother in the first year. But with one in five NZ babies ending up on welfare - usually Sole Parent Support - by the end of their birth year, the chances he won't stay are pretty high. And they increase with time.

 According to the Families Commission, nearly one in two mothers in New Zealand will experience solo parenthood and up to 40 per cent of children will live in a sole-parent family for a period of time.
And if you don't believe the poor need targeting have a look at this just-published report from the Brookings Institute:

 A poor woman is about five times as likely as an affluent woman to have an unintended birth, which further deepens the divides in income, family stability, and child outcomes.


Anonymous said...

Two attitudes here. The Catholics and the sensible and look at the results.

Redbaiter said...

"Now that's the sort of ad MSD/WINZ should be funding and running in New Zealand trains and buses. "

Yeah sure, more big government to replace traditional moral codes. That's what we need alright.

Don't you progs ever think about what ideas might be behind family breakdown over the last few decades?

Maybe you'd even like to rethink your universal condemnation of Dan Quayle.

S. Beast said...

An ad guilting people into paying child support rather than wasting time on moral positions is a much better use of tax payer money.