Saturday, February 28, 2015


Murray Deaker, who I enjoy listening to occasionally though I've little interest in sports beyond the turf, writes 'exclusively' in today's NZ Herald:

It is apparent that the Government, John Key and Steven Joyce particularly, have not realised the depth of feeling against Team New Zealand. If the Government funds Team New Zealand under its present leadership and structure, it will pay for it at the polling booths. I could not bring myself to vote for any party supporting the current bunch.
But he will vote for a government that backs the team he wants?

What an absurd basis for deciding who should be government in 2017.

Then John Minto, on the subject of the acquisition of state houses minus double garages and beautiful views, tells Simon Collins:

 "Why shouldn't families on low incomes, who have the highest needs ... They are the very people who would benefit from beautiful views, why should they be reserved just for the wealthy? It's all wrong."
Is the man completely devoid of capacity for logic?

As Paula Bennett points out:

 "We can help more people in need by making smart purchasing decisions, rather than diverting taxpayer dollars towards properties with higher prices due to extraneous features," she said.
(They could help even more people out if they left the taxpayer dollars in the private sector.)

Then in Dompost according to the director of the City Gallery in which the ratepayer will fund an exhibition of Mongrel Mob portraits:

She urged ratepayers concerned about a public gallery hosting the show to remember that City Gallery returned $3 for every dollar of ratepayer funds spent.
"We're helping the ratepayer triple their investment in us."

Good lord. When can the ratepayer expect to receive a tangible cash dividend on their "investment"?

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