Not that I watch it , but I understand John Campbell has been running a witch hunt against Brian Tamaki for his ostentatious lifestyle. RadioLive have picked it up via Ali Mau though her co-host Willie Jackson is in support of the Tamakis and the good work they do in South Auckland. Ali Mau believes people can be unduly pressured into tithing and is quite strident in her opposition.
Why isn't she strident in her opposition to paying taxes or rates? She is legally compelled to fork out for these and there is every bit as much ostentation in the form of high salaries, flash cars and all manner of pomp and ceremony in central and local government. Try refusing to tithe to those bodies and see what happens.
People can always walk away from Bishop Brian.
Political Caption Competition
1 hour ago
The measure of Tamaki will be revealed by listening to his preaching but I think he's a cult figure using theology to feather his nest.r Momons, Exclusive Brethren and Jehova's Witnesses all arose from dodgy theology based on a single man's view and are hardly Christian in their approach. These confuse the simple Gospel message and that, rather than the parting of fools from their money, is what is annoying.
What is needed is have interviews done by someone with a sound (not liberal) theological background rather than the flimsy John Campbell and his ilk who have no idea of what to ask. Simply hating rich people or religion is hardly a suitable basis for questioning.
Why isn't she strident in her opposition to paying taxes or rates?
Most likely, because her taxes don't go directly to John Key for he and Bronagh to spend as they see fit. I expect that, if that were the case, she'd be extremely strident in opposition to paying her taxes.
Sophistry. Directly or indirectly isn't the issue. Neither is his "dodgy theology". The issue is compulsory tithing to government versus non-compulsory tithing to a church.
The real question - where Tony Abbott is cutting spending on welfare, education, public broadcasting hard, where George Abbott is cutting the UK state back to before the 2nd world war (that is before the UK welfare state really got going), where even Barak Obama (thank to the GOP sequester) has cut the US state by about 5%
why - given the massive increases in NZ's debt, welfare bill, and overall size of government - anyone thinks John Key's government is "right wing" in any way, shape, or form.
If you want to stay in Destiny Church you pay your tithes.
If you want to stay in NZ you pay your taxes.
No-one is forcing anyone to stay in Destiny --- or in NZ.
Besides Lindsay - married couples with a couple of kids in NZ pay basically no tax if they are working, get given thousands upon thousands if they are not - and either way benefit from yet more thousands upon thousands of nett-taxpayer funded healthcare & education, especially for their kids. So for most of the Destiny demographic, being in NZ and Destiny will be a lower overall tax wedge that being anywhere else.
John Campbell is a stooge...
I see through the nice guy act...
Well exactly. And are people such strident critics of the destiny church when regular churches, often with very small followings, have huge property holdings and pay no taxes. I guess that they are just an easy target.
Regarding my previous post about John Campbell being a stooge...
The government is the one shop where nobody gets a bargain.
"The government is the one shop where nobody gets a bargain."
Jamie Laughs...
Still laughing...
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