Keeping Stock blogs about this example of Green merchandising:
Which got me imagining other party stickers:
Mana - I only date boys my Dad let's me
NZ First - I only date boys with hair like Winston Peters and their own Zimmer frame
Conservative - I only date boys sporting a chastity pledge
NZALCP - I only date boys with bongs
National - I only date boys with big bank accounts
ACT - I only date boys who know how may angels can dance on a pinhead
Labour - I only date boys
I'm sure you can do better.
Political Caption Competition
1 hour ago
That's very good indeed. Particularly Labour.
Hmmm... is there any difference between the Green Party and the Exclusive Brethren?
Sure can.
Labour's should read "I date ANYTHING"
"Labour - I only date morons."
I stuck to dating WOMEN.
Labour - priceless. Wouldn't have worked so well in the Clark era though.
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