You will know from past posts that the Child Poverty Action Group went back to the court late last month, this time the Court of Appeal, arguing that the In Work Tax Credit should be paid to beneficiary families with children. They want a ruling that the government is unjustifiably discriminating.
What I didn't know was that the Court of Appeal fees were waived on the grounds that the case is of significant public interest and the appellant's own stretched circumstances. The original application for a waiver was refused by the Deputy Register but that decision was subsequently reviewed and overturned by J Wild.
The new judgement says that the taxpayer should pick up the fees as the case is of genuine public interest.
There you go. Just one more item to add to a long list of taxpayer funded activities many not only have no interest in, but disagree with.
Political Caption Competition
1 hour ago
but disagree with.
"disagree with"?
I think you mean utterly repudiate. But they most of the 10% or so of Kiwi nett taxpayers repudiate most of what's done with our damn money: benefits, super, schools, hospitals, and all the rest.
Judge Wild should pay for his silly little game himself.
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