Thursday, May 09, 2013

'Arts, recreation and other services' adds more than 10,000 jobs?

I was just having a look at the HLFS tables released today.

Table 7 (cont) shows that the 'Arts, recreation and other services' sector added over 10,000 jobs in the March quarter. That's an 8% percent rise.

But I'm suspicious because the jobs were nearly all male. The male numbers went from 64,700 to 74,900 from Dec 2012 to March 2013. They look entirely out of place sequentially. The rise for females went from 66,200 to 67,100.

Can anyone think of something that's occurred to explain the leap for males?

When I look back, a similar jump happened to females in the same period Dec 2011 - March 2012. Does Creative NZ suddenly release a lump of funding? But again, why the big difference in genders?

10,000+ is a big jump when you consider the total increase across all employment was 34,700.

Only one other sector out-performed Arts etc and that's the largest (Professional, scientific, technical, administrative and support services) with one quarter million employed. Their increase of around 12,000 jobs was only a 0.5% rise.


I queried the number with Statistics NZ and received a very prompt reply:

 Hi Lindsay

Just returning your email re the HLFS Arts,recreation and other services estimates.

Firstly, yes those numbers are correct.

Secondly, we advise looking at the change in unadjusted data , such as industry estimates, over the year rather than over the quarter. This removes any seasonal pattern from the data.

So that you have an idea of what types of industries are included under the broad 'Arts,recreation and other services' label, the following sub industries are included:
-Heritage activities
-Creative and Performing Arts activities
-Sport and recreation activities
-Gambling activities
-Repair maintenance
-Personal and other services
-Private households employing staff and Undifferentiated goods-and service-producing activities of households own use

Although breaking down this industry by sub industries means the estimates are quite small, we did see a notable rise in the repair and maintenance, the artistic activities and the gambling activities sub industry groups over the year.


Anonymous said...

short answer: the f**king hobbit

there are women geeks, just not many.

longer answer:

"such as industry estimates"

they're not real. just what someone made up

Sentra Edukasi dan Informasi said...

great info grandma hahaha