...and two blows against advocates of universal penalty.
Drinking age stays at 18 and folic acid addition to bread remains voluntary.
Great. I don't often applaud parliament but today being at their mercy is just a little less painless.
Michael Reddell: Why is such rank dishonesty tolerated?
19 minutes ago
Are we seeing the early signs of personal responsibility making gains in the collective psyche of our once great self reliant nation, here's hoping.
"Are we seeing the early signs of personal responsibility . . "
Fat chance. Just venal politicians wanting to appeal to the "yoof" vote.
Anon, The youth vote is very small. Even if it could be bumped up marginally by this action, appealing to other age groups is easier.
And appealing to common sense almost impossible.
agree anon, it's all about keeping the youth vote and not doing the right thing. Not wanting to fix the elephant in the room. It's the drunkards who won.
These aren't as much victories as they are preventing further destruction of liberty
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