The NewstalkZB 9 o'clock news (Wellington - not the Network because I have checked the replay) reported that Gary Evans found Macsyna
King "had no involvement in the death of her twins."
Contrast that to a coroner's report last week that found two good
Samaritans had contributed to the death of Iraena Asher.
I am going on media hearsay but these findings seem utterly incongruous.
Classic Railway Film: #3 – Vintage Locos 1959
2 hours ago
The coroner accused Kahui of doing it "on the balance of probabilities".
JCWeaCon 0
How sad for those poor babies that no one will ever be held to account - both for the injuries causing their death and the old ones prior. At the very least every single adult in that house should have their children taken off them & be charged with failing to provide them with the necessities of life.
I blame the lawyers, shielding the guilty at all costs. Whatever happened to justice in NZ? The babies gone forever, the father just about made into a hero.
By the standards of the Asher report, you'd have to say that the GP that sent the Kahuis down the road to the hospital, rather than call an ambulance had also "contributed" to their deaths.
I blame Peter Sharples. He should not have meddled in a police homicide investigation.
Heck....I agree with Chuck!:-o
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