A Perth doctor has labelled women who have their children in their late thirties as "selfish and self-centred." And a third of Melbourne Age readers agree with him.
My youngest was born when I was almost 39. She was unplanned. I didn't really intend on having another child but thought that on balance providing a sibling for the older one and my husband's delight at the development made it a good thing. When she was born I fell in love with her immediately. Such a sure-of-herself, snuggly and robust little thing. Physically stronger and healthier than my first-born.
The article covers all the reasons why women are apparently "selfish and self-centred" for having children later. The additional cost to the health service, becoming geriatrics and a burden on the children later. But women who give birth later have usually contributed more tax. As far as it being a debate about public goods, its swings and roundabouts. The choice to leave parenthood till later doesn't impinge on anyone else, unlike the choice to have children you can't financially support - at any age.
But really, it's nobody else's bloody business. And I wouldn't have blogged on the subject bar it being yet another example of the busybody mentality displayed by people who think they know best. And disgustingly, a large minority fall in behind.
A responding 'social commentator' can have the last word. The very sane Mr Salt:
''The age of a mother isn't the issue,'' said Mr Salt. ''But, my observation of women having children later, is how they absolutely want and love and adore those children… as long as a child is yearned for, loved, adored, provisioned for, parents' age, sexual orientation, income, ethnicity, race - none of that matters.''
Breaking Views Update: Week of 23.2.25
31 minutes ago
It is none of this bloody doctor's business.
Older mothers would be generally better resourced financially, have more stability in their lives and (one hopes) wisdom. The same goes for older fathers. I was 42 when my younger son was born...a problem? Not yet although he is now 16.
As i was growing up, it was a sin to have a baby too early?
All the advice around was to wait until one was financially secure with a partner, so as to provide 'the best environment' for the child?
Another issue that was going round at the time was feminism?
When a woman is young her body can bounce back after giving birth.
The older a woman is when giving birth, the less likely her body can 'bounce' back. The body just 'breaks down'?
The idea older woman have sex is a bit icky anyway?
Get back in the kitchen and start having kids bitches.
Your delusional "equality" movement has run its course and all you have achieved is the possible/ probable extinction of our race due to low birth rates.
Gee thanks Red. Next time you need some assistance or data from my research I will be occupied making a batch of scones.
C'mon Mitch, I was just coining the MCP dialect.
But the scones would be appreciated...
Our first was born when my wife was 35. Our 4th when my wife was 43. All happy & healthy.
The only real problems we had along the way were the medical profession suggesting two of our happy-healthy children should be terminated. Sort of destroyed our confidence in the profession and I'm glad we didn't listen.
The Perth doctor needs to fully enjoy the benefits of sex and travel.
Whats wrong with selfishness....? Its our birthright and survival means after all.
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