Media Release
Tuesday, October11, 2011
Data released to welfare commentator Lindsay Mitchell show that 23 percent of the babies born in 2010 were reliant on a benefit by the end of that year.
"Statistics released under the Official Information Act show that at December 31, 2010, 14,537 Work and Income clients receiving a main benefit had babies in their care that were born during 2010. That represents 23 percent of all babies born in 2010. Almost one in four."
"The implications for this high percentage lie in the likelihood of these children remaining on a benefit for many years. Ministry of Social Development research found, 'The older the child when they first have contact with the benefit system, the greater their likelihood of leaving benefit. Compared to those in contact at birth, those who first have contact between birth and six months have a 15% increase in the probability of leaving benefit. Between six months and one year there is a 33% increase, between one and two years there is a 41% increase, and first contact between two and three years is associated with a 56% increase in the probability of leaving benefit.' "
"These are the circumstances which are overwhelmingly contributing to New Zealand's child poverty problem."
Political Caption Competition
1 hour ago
That is an awful statistic if it includes welfare for families, and even worse if it doesn't.
I take it your 23% only includes those directly bludging on the DPB.
Unfortunately the balance are likely to be in receipt of the taxpayer largesse that is Working For Welfare credits, thus not revealing the true scale of the issue.
When combined, the total is likely to show that most rugrats these days are born and raised as net beneficiaries.
Significant post Lindsay. (As with PM, does this include WFF? Surely it can't be just DPB?)
...“main benefit” includes Unemployment Benefits, Unemployment Benefits –
Hardship (includes Unemployment Benefit – Student – Hardship), Independent Youth Benefits, Domestic Purposes Benefits – Sole Parent, Domestic Purposes Benefits – Care of Sick or Infirm, Domestic Purposes Benefits – Women Alone, Sickness Benefits, Sickness Benefits – Hardship, Emergency Maintenance Allowances, Invalid’s Benefits, Widow’s Benefits, and Emergency Benefits
NOT WFF. Mainly DPB.
Around 85% are on the DPB.
All the worse then. Horror story. No wonder the present government, which in theory stands for limited government - yeah right - is still borrowing enormous sums of money.
Just as well the mainstream media won't pick up on this Standard and Poors would downgrade us another point or two.
Baxter, Radio Rhema picked it up and did an interview with me but that's it so far. I don't know what the disinterest is saying - something about me or something about the media.
Why the F**K NOT??
Why not WFF.
Why not Super - all those Grandads & Grandmothers looking after kids for deadbeat parents.
And especially Schools, Unis, GPs, Hospitals.
The fact is that 95% of Kiwi Kids are Bludger Kids
Paid for by the 5% of Kiwis who pay for everyone else.
it's a national disaster and must be stopped immediately!
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