Wednesday, July 27, 2011

National's Green Paper on Child Abuse

Apparently, "Ms Bennett told reporters today the discussion paper was different, gusty and controversial."

(Gusty? Very.) Gutsy? Not. Different? I wish. Controversial? Like whether cinnamon or cocoa is better on cappuccino.

It is 'talked up' to disguise.

Just another governmental PR consultative exercise.

Talks predominantly about Leadership and then Asks for Answers. So, so many.

Uses the word 'appropriate' 14 times.
Uses the word 'vision' 21 times.



Made from Blue and Yellow.


Lucia Maria said...

That cover makes me gag. Trying to think of why it makes me gag, and it's the words: Every child thrives, belongs, achieves. That so much reduces what a child is, to what a child does, ie a utalitarian approach.

If I had to design a cover, I'd say: Every child is a precious gift from God. But then that would probably make the designers of the cover gag instead.

education said...

How do I get a copy of the green paper, would like to read it, but can only find articles about not the actual paper.

Anonymous said...

the dignity and mana of being a parant is completly undermined by our welfare system.
it pays more to be a tramp neglectedant indifferant dumb evan. under our welfare system than responasabile.put it this way if a few venerial diseases killed the trash then evan the most indifferant would wake up and the responsabile would prosper.
this country has a stupid populaton growth policy at any cost.your wrong tura taneana the only face id welcome was one that TRID to contribute.
the 3ard world sucks and id rather be invaded.