It isn't unusual to hear oldies bleating about Working For Families and how much money their adult children are getting that they don't need. Probably to each other as they flash their Super Goldcard to get a 'free' ferry trip somewhere. In AUSTRALIA.
Yes. The welfare state now pays out money to enhance Kiwi pensioner's holidays to the Gold Coast. But in a rich irony called 'reciprocity', one of the many ironies inherent in the fiasco welfare has become, holiday-making Aussies over 60 will be able to enjoy handouts same-age Kiwis can't in their own country!! Wah,wah. Quick get Peters onto it. The Supergold card must be available from 60. It's not fair. Wah, wah.
Britain vs Russia: Which Is In Worse Shape?
47 minutes ago
The problem's not the damn SuperGoldCard - the problem is the damn super.
Stop that and we're making some progress.
While voters are happy for the government to borrow money to provide them with a better lifestyle than they would otherwise have, what voters should realise is that the government will have to increase taxes in the future to repay the debt. It may be a scramble now, but you will have to pay more tax in the future. The government will just keep increasing it's revenue, we are just giving it the ability to spend more of taxpayers money, if we keep voting for ridiculous goverment bribes.
Voters need to be more savvy, and realise that the government is happy to increase it's tax take by spending taxpayer's money in advance.
And why not,we have paid taxes all our lives.get the young into eork and leave the oldies alone.Remember most of the facilities the young enjoy today were paid for by these oldies.
most of the facilities the young enjoy today were paid for by these oldies.
B*llsh*t. All the facilities - from government to private homes - have been paid for by running up huge debts - that the young are going to have to pay for, while looking after their own families with no help whatsoever from a bankrupt government!
I guess you are right up to a point,However if governments since 1984 had not sold these assets we may all have been better off.Now we are set to go down the same path again.Difficult to see how todays young are paying my morgage..
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