Kiwiblog is pouring cold water on 'Don's decision' . Hardly surprising. A Brash-led ACT would drag default votes away from National; people who want far more economic austerity and long-term vision but would have ticked National as better than anything else on offer. For mine I would like to see Rodney stay in ACT but move aside. He is brilliant in many ways but not as a leader. I mean that as no criticism and have said it before. I see it because I would say exactly the same about myself (not the brilliant bit). Simply that there are some personality types that just don't want to manage people. There is no shame in admitting that.
What I am less happy about is Banks climbing on the ACT band wagon. He tried in 2008 and I opposed the idea. No reason to change.
Christopher Luxon: State of the Nation 2025
1 hour ago
Yep, same here, not too keen on Banks. It would probably be best if Hide could step aside and focus on Epsom 100%. Brash could lead, and whatsherface should go (actually both of them).
Out with the conspiratorial Roy too. This is a good oportunity to clean the stables.
I agree Hide should contest Epsom and move aside to make room for Brash.
I would vote for it!
I understand John Banks has declared he will not be standing in Epsom.
The last thing ACT needs is Don Brash as leader. Hell, he's not even a member of the damned party. Moreover, his performance last time round revealed him to be politically a blundering, bumblefooted, bungler.
He is yesterday's man.
You've got a pretty good leader in waiting with good street smarts, credibility and no baggage. The man's name is John Bascowan. Put him up in Tamaki and let Mr Hide take his chances in Epsom. I'd say National voters would put Bascowan in and Hide out.
I think John Bascowan as leader will get you a hell of a lot more party votes than any other contender. Let Rodney Hide have the safety net of No i on the list, thus retaining his better attributes.
If Mr Fiinkensein, an eternal and blind cheerleader for John Key and his government, is against Brash leading ACT must be because the his follower are scared.
The indecisive Smile-and-wave Prime Minister needs someone to pull him towards the right of centre, not to continue his lurch towards the left.
It's time for the gutless National Party to start delivering on its election promises.
Please detail precisely which election promises?
As far as I can tell, you and your lot a grumbling because National has carefully refrained from breaking it's first term election promises.
Agree with you.
The issue for me would be the composition of the list. We have seen ACT embrace social conservatives (Newman, Garrett, Banks), unprincipled careerists (Roy), and confused political groupies (Coddington). If ACT is to have any future it needs not just a leader, but a list which clearly articulates the party position. Having Brash lead a mixed bag of special interests and hangers on would not be worthwhile.
Maori Seats were to be gone if National won the election, how is that one panning out?
opposition to Labour's electoral reform bill, only to implement something so similar you could pin a tail on it ans call it a weasel
Peter McCaffery is the man.The young blood needs to rise.Boscowen hasn't a clue about what's ACT's supposed to stand for.Brash is yesterdays man at this stage and wasn't to crash hot before.Rodney been there and done that doesn't need the shit any more of an ungrateful bunch of losers in the NZ populace and can swan off to enjoy life with the wife and new baby.
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