Is Heather Roy really angling for leadership of ACT or is she being cornered into appearing so by the media?
Having a female/male co-leadership situation is so PC. She is reported as saying that it has worked for the Maori Party and the Greens. But in what way?
In terms of actually achieving votes the single leadership of National and Labour has been far more effective.
Chippy gloriously throws Winston under the Ferry
32 minutes ago
Deborah Coddington here. She's a cabinet minister. She should be above being cornered into anything by the media. Just say no. If she doesn't stfu soon she'll kill Act, but maybe, as I wrote a few weeks back, that's her aim. I just don't get it.
"[Heather} reported as saying that it has worked for the Maori Party and the Greens. But in what way?"
Ermmm ... ahhhh .... maybe in the way that it hasn't actually all come to a crashing disastrous halt for those parties.
Of course, it would be quite different for the Parliamentary Act Party. Act being composed of the type of alpha egos that it is ...
Rodney is Leader.
He should fire the disloyal scum - and, since they're all list MPs, go on down the list.
If they had any personal integrity they'd resign.
They haven't so they don't.
Then again, if they had any personal integrity they'd never have voted for Key's tax increases!
Hardly any women vote for ACT so perhaps having a female co-leader would go some way towards changing that.
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