From the Waikato Times reporting on National Candidate Tim Macindoe's statement at a candidate meeting;
He also denounced methamphetamine or P users as participants in an evil trade and said dealers should be tried as murderers.
So why not try supermarket check-out operators who sell alcohol "as murderers"? Oh right. They don't have evil intent and 'P' dealers do. Actually 'P' dealers want to make quick, easy, serious money. The illegal status of 'P' makes it difficult (but not impossible) to make and sell. That combined with the high demand results in high prices and high profits.
Here's what the Libertarianz candidate, Tim Wikiriwhi, says;
In response to a question about the P epidemic, Mr Wikiriwhi said prohibition was not the answer and legalising cannabis would result in less P use.
He's got a point. As it is we have created a recreational drug black market of immense proportions and very dark dimensions that cannot be destroyed even using all the force that the state can muster. And yet nearly every political party and candidate continues to pretend that it can.
Every single bureaucrat costs you $16.5 million
51 minutes ago
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