Well this just goes to show: we really, really don't need Wellington.
close the lot down, overnight. Any truly important functions of government will have other places they can go e.g. the army can go to trentham or linton.
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Lindsay Mitchell has been researching and commenting on welfare since 2001. Many of her articles have been published in mainstream media and she has appeared on radio,tv and before select committees discussing issues relating to welfare. Lindsay is also an artist who works under commission and exhibits at Wellington, New Zealand, galleries.
Do you have any data for the West Coast and where it sits in this graph or is it hidden within another grouping?
The West Coast is included in Nelson/Tasman (as with Work and Income regions). Sorry. Couldn't fit it all in on the key.
Well this just goes to show: we really, really don't need Wellington.
close the lot down, overnight. Any truly important functions of government will have other places they can go e.g. the army can go to trentham or linton.
as for the rest: fire the lot.
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