Yesterday I had just read a piece by Roger Kerr in the Dominion Post about the futility of Cullen's tax cuts - "Clayton's cuts" - when I glanced down and saw this.
What followed was one of those 'pass me a bucket' moments.
"The Inland Revenue plays a critical role in improving the economic and social well being of all New Zealanders."
Since when??? The role of the IRD is to collect tax - no more, no less.
Oh get with it Lindsay. The IRD is now a key player in redistributing income to 'needy' families. It is the WINZ of the middle class. And we all know how much Work and Income contributes to well being by the number of security men they employ.
But this is an ad for an Investigator. Not a plunket nurse.
"Serving as an Investigator is highly rewarding through the contribution it makes to improve our customers' understanding of, and compliance with tax and social policy laws."
Seriously now, this is disgusting and scary stuff. If you ever struggle to envisage big government, this is it. First the IRD has recast itself into a so-called social organisation with one of the "largest workforces in New Zealand," when all it should be doing it collecting tax. If we had flat tax most of this workforce could be doing something productive instead of being the monkeys on the back of the engine house.
But almost worse than the size of this monolith is the language it uses to fool itself and the public into regarding it as a bastion of beneficence. In truth most people would behold the visit of an Investigator with great trepidation. We wouldn't be putting on the kettle in anticipation of a nice chat.
We've got to wake up in this country. All big government is good for is producing make-work jobs and make-believe descriptions. Voting National won't put an end to this sort of nonsense.
Word of the day
9 minutes ago
"Voting National won't put an end to this sort of nonsense"
Exactly! When will people wake up to that simple fact?
Precisely why, for better or worse, I do not read the daily papers. They guarantee to make me scream.
KG: you are coming along nicely! :)
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