From the NZ Herald editorial today,
Act, however, must campaign in a way that does not make life difficult for National. Sir Roger and his economic programme may be its chief branding weapon, but it must recognise that every vote lost by National diminishes its own chances of being in government.
What bollocks. ACT has to campaign hard on its ideas and plans. National can take care of itself. Winning matters. This is an election campaign. It isn't kiddies sport where it's the "taking part that counts". ACT doesn't exist to be a bit-player to National. Increasingly the two parties have less in common but it isn't ACT that has moved away from its founding principles. The most important message ACT has for New Zealanders is that a mere change in government will not change the direction of this country. The more MPs ACT has, the more real change we can effect.
Word of the day
7 minutes ago
Roger Douglas can be Minister of Finance in a Labour-led Government when Cullen is replaced.
Rodney can be Deputy PM to Goff.
Keep grabbing those National votes.
of course the advice is stupid. Follow it consistently and you get the theory that the best way for ACT to be in government is to get no votes at all. Sounds like the sort of logic one would get from the Nats --- the only way to beat Labour is to adopt their policies.
Anyone not splitting their vote is so stupid they should not be allowed to vote! Even the Maori party understands that..
If you're in a safe National seat, you get two votes by voting for ACT with your party vote and National for the electorate.
If you're in Epsom or Hunua, vote ACT in the electorate and National for the party.
'nuff said.
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