"With government controlling more and more of our economy, the fact that crooks have to go where the money is causes more and more of them to turn to government employment. However, there is probably an even stronger reason for individuals to become politicians. That is the power which accompanies political office. Many idealists think they know better than the ordinary person what is good for that person. They consider themselves a cut above the ordinary individual who just isn’t smart enough to know what he or she should do. Idealists seek government power to impose their ideas upon the rest of us. They may be personally honest insofar as not thinking of lining their own pockets with money but have little compunction about bolstering their egos with government power. This attitude explains the environmentalists, the do-gooders, and others whose ego causes them to seek government power to impose their ideas upon those of us who just want to make our way in a free market in open competition with everyone else."
— Harry Hoiles, editorial from The Register [June 2, 1979]
This is why we need more MPs who will defend the free market and neutralise the above individuals.
Political Caption Competition
1 hour ago
Who do you have for Tukituki?
No-one confirmed yet pdm. But it is the party vote than is most important. Rodney has Epsom and roughly each extra percentage point will bring another MP.
I understand that Lindsay but a more credible candidate than John Ormond should help life the party vote. Especially as Craig Foss is `home and hosed' due to the HBDHB fiasco and there will be more than a few disgruntled former Labour voters who won't vote National or Greens on principle looking for somewhere to put their protest vote.
What about Sir Roger to try and capitilise on the situation
Oops lift for life line 2.
You really have to give Labour and the Greens kudos for introducing an electoral system that the state-educated are too stupid to understand
But yet the beneficiaries of the Maorimander seem to understand this all to well!
Anyone who doesn't split their votes - or benefit from a split vote is criminal. The Maorimander ensures every Labour voter gets the benefit of the Maori and Green party votes - and NZF and UF and the rest too.
What can we do about this? The rule is simple: ensure you split your vote between a winnable electorate candidate and a party.
In EPSOM, you should vote ACT for the electorate, and National for your party vote.
In Labour seats you should vote National with your party vote, your electorate vote doesn't matter.
In marginal seats, you should vote National for the electorate and ACT for the party vote.
In safe National seats, your electorate vote doesn't matter: you should party vote for ACT,
The "missing party" in the NZ MMP system is a fonterra/federated farmers based "Country" party. Such a party would take 15 rural seats immediately, and ensure centre-left* government in perpetuity.
(centre-left because National is cenre-left; ACT is centre, the Libz are only centre-right)
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