The following provoked an angry reaction from me. The twisted logic is almost worse than the motivation behind it. Read till the end to see the worst of it.
Feminist Daily News Wire
May 6, 2008
Anti-Choice Groups Launch Deceptive Campaign against Oral Contraceptives
Anti-choice extremist group the American Life League launched a campaign against oral contraceptives that will culminate with protests on June 7 outside clinics that distribute birth control. The Pill Kills Babies falsely labels oral contraceptives as abortificants, claiming that oral contraceptives are the same as abortion except that it "kills a preborn baby" earlier.
Reproductive Health Reality Check points out the disturbing lies that the campaign proclaims. The American Life League falsely claims that the pill is dangerous to women's health because it causes breast cancer, cervical cancer, infertility, birth defects, and "much more."
The anti-choice extremist groups chose June 7 as the protest day because it is the anniversary of the 1965 Griswold v. Connecticut case that overturned a Connecticut law banning the use of contraceptives on the basis of marital privacy.
According to RH Reality Check, the anti-choice extremists claim that "attempting to prevent abortion is abortion too."
Media Resources: 05/06/08; RH Reality Check 05/05/08; The Pill Kills 2008; Griswold v. Connecticut
But hold on. The usual line anti-abortionists use is abortion is murder (or genocide.) So now trying to prevent murder is murder too?? These people are lunatics.
Peter Dunne: Parlimentary rituals
19 minutes ago
When you hear that the "Feminist Daily News Wire" is labelling a pro-life group as an "Anti-choice extremist group", it is probably a good idea to look at both sides of the story. It was claimed that the group had said "attempting to prevent abortion is abortion too" but where's the reference?
Label pro-lifers as "anti-choice extremists" if you must, if it eases your conscience, if it makes murder more palatable.
The little children don't get a choice, do they.
OK Andy. I accept your criticism that I should have checked the source. In fact the words came from the RH Reality Check as far as I can ascertain.
But I want to see women using contraception responsibly and this movement
attempts to prevent or persuade them against even that.
I was more critisicing the authors of the article, they provide no reference.
The group may have said "attempting to prevent abortion is abortion too" - or perhaps it was a paraphrase of this sentence on their website,
"From the beginning, the pill has been an abortifacient, meaning it can cause abortions."
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