Now a subject for NZ debate.
The Government has a guarded view on ASBOs.
In a recent Cabinet paper, Justice Minister Annette King rejected them as a way of tackling organised crime.
She said the orders were designed to counter social problems peculiar to Britain. They had an economic and social cost, and their benefits for the criminal justice system were unclear.
I am struggling to think of a social problem that would be peculiar to Britain. Can you?
Simon O'Connor: Is a second term likely?
8 minutes ago
I'm completely against ABSO's they are basically just another RMA.
Legislation used by neighbors to controll what youth do, and it essentially criminalises many non criminal actions.
Rather than giving out ABSO's why can't the local coppers police existing laws.
Most of the time in the UK these orders are based on heresay evidence... I don't want to see that sort of crap, anti youth law, that criminalises otherwise law abiding behavior, just because, say a couple of conservative 60 year olds don't like you wearing a hoodie, or listening to music they don't like or understand!
Lets go after actual criminals, the ones who steal, assualt etc.. you know, who actually use force or fraud on others!
Anti-Social Behaviour Orders...
rubbish, discipline will almost always do the trick ;)
I'm always suspicious when something is said to be particular to a country. Human nature is the same the world over.
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