Another senseless ban passed in parliament last night.
The bill passed 109 to 11 with only the Green, Maori and Act parties opposing.
Thanks National, the party of individual freedom and choice - huge joke.
And what is it with the contradictory, contrary Greens who want to tell us what we can and can't consume in the foodline but not in the recreational drugline.
The Maori Party??? Hone Harawira talks convincingly about the dangers of prohibition creating black markets and crime but wants to ban cigarettes.
How I long for some consistency and principle from the big house on the hill.
(BTW - Who abstained? 11 should be 12)
Breaking Views Update: Week of 9.3.25
23 minutes ago
Would have been Copeland.
Out setting up his new party.
Well done ACT, great stuff.
John Key is never going to be top dog if he keeps voting like helens bitch.
Well done- the gangs have been just handed another income stream!
I suppose these criminal fraternities look after each other...
I work in a big office of professionals of all ages. I asked around and by the time I got to ten people five had said that they tried party pills.
I think this crusade of Anderton's is misplaced guilt over his own kids problems with drugs.
Brian Smaller
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