The Prime Minister will not be happy with Chris Trotter. He has written a column in today's Dominion Post (a reasonably rational one) explaining why Phil Goff should replace her as leader, if Labour are to have any chance of winning this year's election.
I disagree. Apart from voter's force of habit, Helen Clark is still the best thing Labour has going for them.
Update; Full column here
Peter Dunne: Parlimentary rituals
19 minutes ago
Without seeing the column it is a little difficult to work out what Trotter is up to. I agree with you, Lindsay, that Clark is still Labour's most effective weapon. (The photo of Clark with Lady Hillary in the Herald yesterday, in my opinion, showed a strong rather attractive looking Clark, rather more appealing than the airbrushed sham.) Clark is able to speak compellingly on any subject,
uses obfuscation very well, dominates interviewers, and closes off uncomfortable topics at will. Her evasiveness is not easy to detect, and she is able to deflect the heat onto National fairly readily. Whilst her fake laughter is annoying (like the Clinton Cackle), she is able to convey a smiling confidence which many find convincing. She has an underlying hatred of several sectors of the community, which is an unattractive quality, and a well prepared National campaign could undo Clark if National has been working on individuals at street level ( unlikely). Clark has the mettle to win the Treasury benches with 38% for Labour with a clever third Party coalition plan, at some considerable expense to the taxpayer and our political system.
I believe Labour will prevail. Perhaps Trotter is catalysing Labour footsoldiers (and Brian Edwards, Kerre Woodham, and other high profile apologists) into more vocal support for Clark, in the face of poor polls. Goff, for all his competence, is simply not an alternative at this time. Methinks Chris Trotter is running a cunning plan ( a little Brer Rabbit-ish). He may also be giving Clark a little acid test to bring on her fighting qualities.
Because so much rides on Clark, any exposed weakness would be cataclysmic.
Do not write her off.
As per catalysing effect on footsoldiers and apologists, note glowing praise from Noelle McCarthy in her opinion piece in NZ Herald, A29, this morning.
Labour's problem is there really is no Stalin in the wings that has been groomed appropriately for the handover of power. Communists are normally much better organised than this.
Mark Hubbard
It pains me to say it but Trotter might be on to something. Heaven forbid!
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