The DomPost editorial says it all;
The purpose of the electoral finance and parliamentary funding bills is not to improve the law, but to gerrymander the system.
Unable to win public support for state funding of political parties, Labour and its allies have decided to introduce it by stealth. At the same time, they are denying others the opportunity to spend their own money arguing contrary positions.
If voters remember that when they go to the polls next year, Labour and its friends will get no more than they deserve.
Please get out today and protest. Midday at Civic Square. Show this corrupt bunch that we hold them in even greater contempt than they hold us.
Poverty and crime
1 hour ago
I have an incredible feeling of unease over the pathway this government is taking and at the same time a sense of deja vu.
You see, I have been through this all before - with the Apartheid Government in South Africa. First the gerrymandering to get into power and then casting aside electoral law (which required a two thirds majority, which they did not have, to alter the constitution) to entrench their unpopular policies. Then when dissent was shown, out the window flew press freedom and freedom of speech.
Hope to see you there.
I'll be down there with bells (and my best 'taking the piss out of communists' t-shirt) on.
Kill the Bill!
Just heard you - brief snippet - on TRN's 2pm bulletin, Rick. Well done - and a belated welcome home, too, by the way!
This lot will just brazen it out.
Protest all you like.
Water off a duck's back.
The shameless backed by the aimless.
Videos from today's march now on youtube at:
Stephen Franks -
Nick Smith -
David Farrar –
Gordon Copeland –
Janet Fitzsimmons –
Bill Supporter -
I attended the Wellington March. There were not a lot of people (100+ I'd guess), but in my office only one other knew anything of the EFB - and they could only see it in terms of stopping the Exclusive Brethren from spending money on brochures.
Apparently, Labour and Green supporters fear that there voter base are easily (mis)lead. They want to be the only ones that can mislead them.
Jeanette spoke. She seemed terrified of allowing other people and groups to voice an opinion. Too much free speech is dangerous - it has to be rationed.
typo, my bad: ..their voter base are easily mis(lead)...
Thanks Susan.
Damnit, totally missed out on meeting Zen Tiger!? Grrr.
The low attendance can only be explained by the apathy and disinterest in politics and broader issues affecting a large percentage of New Zealanders.
We'll have no right to complain if the unscrupulous Labour Party gets re-elected in 2008. Each country get the government it deserves.
Bread and circuses (beer, benefits and rugby) appear to be all we need.
I wouldn't be in such a hurry to blame the public for being apathetic voters. The discussion of the bill on TV3 news has been fluff;
a superficial summary of Labour's reasons for introducing the bill, National didn't get a word in.
Gloria's right--it's not so much apathy (although there's plenty of that as well) but those of us who spend time reading blogs and getting information from a wide variety of sources tend to forget that for most people, all their information comes from newspapers and television.
Try going without your computer for a couple of weeks and then see how well informed you are!
I have to say I agree with you kg. The march was not well promoted outside of the blogs (should it need to be?).
That and a big pinch of public apathy.
Next time there is a Labour inspired march I am tempted to break into it and heckle with a megaphone. "2 4 6 8 We support a fascist state" and all that sort of thing. I wonder how long it would be before I was physically attacked by a freedom loving Labour supporter?
Brian Smaller
John Boscowen took out many radio ads on NewstalkZB and the Wellington talkback ran pretty hot on the subject. I don't know what that audience is but my hopes were for considerably more than 200 protesters.
I was also looking forward to hearing what you had to say Lindsay, as DPF had said you were going to speak.
I guess that was the theme of the day though. =|
I was asked to read John's speech. Then I thought DPF was going to read it. Then when I heard my name called tried to make my way to the mike but the fences at the bottom of the steps prevented me and there was a lot of noise and arguing with the counter protesters so it all moved on. I'm just very sorry I let John down. I hadn't stayed with the front people because I had my son struggling with the banner somewhere at the back and left to rejoin him. Bit of a cock-up and poor effort on my behalf.
Nonsense Lindsay!
It wasn't your fault that some Labour upstarts tried to hijack the front of the barricades.
At least you were at the march, which is more than we can say about a lot of Wellingtonians.
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