Monday, November 05, 2007

Crisis? What Crisis?

Did you know that if you consume half a bottle of wine with dinner over a period of 8 years you could damage your brain?? Even social drinking puts you at risk of brain damage!

785,000 New Zealanders are at risk!! There is going to be a crisis in the health system!!!

Breakfast telly are reporting, "Shocking health findings"!!

"It's critical New Zealand wakes up to an issue that will become a major crisis in the next 20 years, with health services being swamped with people with alcohol-related brain damage."

In 1986 there was a 'crisis' too.

It was reported that, "380,000 people in New Zealand have had psychiatrically classifiable alcohol abuse and/or alcohol dependence at some time in their lives. An additional 17 percent (more than 340.000 New Zealanders) were problem drinkers at some time in their lives," and, " In New Zealand problem drinking is a major public health issue. "

No doubt health services would be swamped in the next twenty years!


Oswald Bastable said...

That explains who voted for Labour!

Anonymous said...

The rise in spirits consumption is interesting. Could this be the fashion of drinking 'alco-pops' by teens?

Anonymous said...

Utter rubbish. By the way, pass me the bottle!

Anonymous said...

Alcahol consumption was dropping til a substantial lift in 1999. That was the year Helen came to power. Consumption has continued to rise since then. Is the transformation of NZ into a Socialist State turning them to drink?

Will de Cleene said...

The carcinogenic barbies and brain-killing alcohol stories are cutting no ice with the punters. Be prepared for the mother of all backlashes.