This sort of nonsense has just gone too far. Gyms that have creches caring for children for an hour or an hour and a half tops need to have a trained early education teacher.
Under Government regulations, all creches that provide education or care to three or more children under six years of age require a licence. They are required to employ a registered early-childcare teacher, develop education plans and programmes and provide suitable sleeping quarters for babies.
This is exactly why we need a Regulatory Responsibility ACT.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
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I could not believe it when I saw it on TV last night. The arrogant dickhead representing the Education Department (Government) or whatever really got up my nose.
He was a prime example of the type of people wrecking the country - a university graduate, no doubt, without a grain of common sense
Yep ... sort of ironical that an institution that is failing in it's core responsibility (57% of maori kids (or was it maori boys?) leaving school without NZCEA level 1, 30% overall failures and increasing, 54,000 unexplained absences in their reference week, 30000 stand downs + + for the year ... leading the Pc social engineering charge and trying to impose their history of failure on others ... yep, it all seems entirely proper.
Hell, I am as liberal and pro-business as they come. And if parents want to dump the kids on some non-vetted paedophile ax murder at the gym, so they can look better for the neighbour, that's the parents' problem for being complete turds.
But there is another side to this. Any business that tries to increase its **profits** by offering sub-standard child minding services should be subject to minimum industry safety standards. Or do you want to be at risk of food poisoning at every eatery and let the free market reign there too?
Let's not get too excited over this, ok? Basic, common sense, safety standards are part of a Government's job.
Belt, That's BS. This is way beyond "basic, common sense safety standards".
I am with you Lindsay - Belt has completely missed the point.
All that was on offer was a 1 hour (approx) baby sitting service - no food etc and the parents were only 10/20 yards away, at the most, at any time.
You've missed the point completely, Belt.
Ever run a gym? I have. We paid two terrific Mums to child-mind from 9 till noon M-F. That's all. Child-mind. Babysit. Watch tots while they played in a comfy room. A free service for our members with pre-schoolers while the former trained within spitting distance. Nosey bureaucrats were not needed.
You really want to regulate babysitters? Bollocks.
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