After watching the Children's Commissioner performing on Campbell Live just days ago I am somewhat gobsmacked to learn she last year laid a complaint against the same show for unbalanced broadcasting over the matter of removal of section 59. She complained in four areas. 2 were not upheld, a third the board declined to determine and the fourth was upheld. CamWest has to broadcast a statement and pay costs of $1,500.
Last week's show featuring Kiro versus Robert Larzelere was most certainly unbalanced thanks to the Commissioner's domination and attacks on Larzelere's credentials. Ms Kiro is clearly of the 'do as I say, not as I do' school.
Dieuwe de Boer: National’s New Ute Tax
2 hours ago
I recall her pushing the point that studies (she claims) show that smacking is harmful... She reffered to a meta analysis. Not many people could refute a claim like that but having argued on Frogblog about it I gained the impression that that wasn't true at all. The Anglican Arch Bishop made a similar claim. Ofcourse the claim is probably true the deeper you go into corporal punishment territory, but not light occasional smacking.
Kiro is no defender of children if she continues to dishonestly and viciously slander parents, who love their kids more than anyone in the wolrd, and certainly more than a bunch of power-mad meddling bureaucrats
It beggars belief to have such an unprofessional woman such as Kiro in that position. She should be sacked on the spot.
Ah, the beauty of being a political appointee!
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