A poll run on the Young Labour website shows 80 percent are opposed to repealing section 59.
(Hat-tip Family First)
And yesterday the SST reported Tariana Turia wavering on her support for Bradford's bill:
"Turia, who has previously given strong speeches in favour of the bill, said she is concerned Maori and Pacific families would be "targeted and criminalised" if it is passed."
A pitiful fact check
1 hour ago
On line polls are useless for anything. They are too easily rigged by any individual or group wanting to do so. So this isn't news at all -- any more than it was news that an on line poll showed Labour winning - a poll rigged by Labour workers in parliament.
The Young Reds have already moved to reverse the results.
The power of texting...
I don't believe it will change the outcome: political expediency will prevail and the bill will be passed by Parliament.
Truer than ever: we have the government we deserve!
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