Monday, November 20, 2006

Xmas presents needed for children of inmates

Angel Tree is a fund set up by the Prison Fellowship to provide, among other things, xmas gifts for prisoner's children. They are particularly stretched this year due to 7,800 people being behind bars -"2,000 more than was predicted two years ago".
If you want to donate you can go to the Prison Fellowship website. To be honest I don't know whether I will or not but there may be more christian-spirited types than me reading this blog.


Anonymous said...

2004- Didn't see anyone buying xmas presents for my kids after I had been wiped out by a drunken hoon and had no money...

Lindsay Mitchell said...

Um. It's really tricky.

No. Children aren't responsible for their parent's criminal behaviour but reading the blurb, part of this initiative is about making the criminal feel better.

There are lots of kids in situations they aren't responsible for. I think there are better causes. Maybe buying presents for kids of victims.....