Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Greens: It's right to repeatedly reward unemployed people for having children

Every election campaign the Greens use children to justify and promote wealth redistribution.

A seemingly biased ODT employee reports from last night's Queenstown debate:

Mr Norman had arguably the best-received and most succinct answer of the night.
Asked why a high-earning adult who decided not to have children should have their tax dollars handed to out-of-work parents who had four to six children, Mr Norman replied: ''Because it's wrong to punish children for the decision of their parents.''
So it's right to reward children for the decision of their parents?

But it isn't children who receive the reward - money - it is their parent.

It's right to repeatedly reward unemployed people for having children.

That's also "succinct".

Except I forgot one word to accurately reflect Green policy.

It's right to repeatedly reward unemployed people more for having children.


Anonymous said...

is being able to exist a 'reward'?

riversnotforsale said...

So it's right to punish children for the decision of their parents?

But it isn't parents who are supposed to receive the reward - money - it is their children.

It's right to repeatedly give money to unemployed people so they can look after their children.

That's also "succinct".

Except I forgot one thing to accurately reflect Green policy.

If the parent fails to provide the necessities of life _then_ they can be punished.

You should be preaching more education than it's right to punish children who's parents did not make good decisions or enough money from low-value jobs.