Sunday, September 27, 2009

This should wake you up

There are those who want to see local government much more heavily involved in "improving social well-being" - in practical terms providing more social services, social housing, etc. Maori will push this agenda because they want funding channelled into outfits like urban Maori authorities so that they can provide (and control) what they want for their own people.

Well, that might be OK if central government was getting out of the game - but it ain't. This will be a whole new layer of government activity paid for by you.

Now consider this headline from NewstalkZB today;

Brown and Bradford for Super city?


KG said...

Anybody who thinks local government getting involved in social services and the like is a good idea should carefully read some Brit newspapers.
It's been an utter disaster there and would be exactly the same here.
Not that facts will stop the proponents of this loony idea--they always think it will be 'different' somehow, despite evidence to the contrary.
Rubbish. Footpaths. Water supplies. And perhaps restaurant hygiene standards. The rest is welfare for bureaucrats.

Anonymous said...

Given they seem to struggle with pensioner flats half the time the idea scares me greatly... as does that headline!

Sus said...

Lord, the possibility of Bradford on the Auck council makes me very glad to be leaving soon.

Lindsay Mitchell said...

Leaving? Where are you going?

Anonymous said...

Bradford will never get elected for the supercity - she has never been elected and that won't change. the only way she'll get on the supercity is if they have dedicated seats for ex-Green MP's!!!!