I have seen no media reports about this. (Details here)
If Dyson wanted it in the news, it would be there.
Almost looks as if the government are trying to keep it quiet. Even NZ First hasn't been jumping up and down claiming credit. Perhaps they haven't been told. Or they aren't sharp enough to pick it up.
Perhaps the government is keeping it low key because they don't want superannuitants living overseas to start lodging claims for their increased entitlement.
But they should be making a big noise. If more superannuitants retired overseas the taxpayer could save a fortune on health and care services!
Seriously, with the rate young New Zealanders are leaving at, their parents will probably jump at the chance to follow them. Perhaps that's the political implication the government is trying to avoid being splashed all over the media.
"You can bugger off too!"
Dieuwe de Boer: National’s New Ute Tax
2 hours ago
So this really is a disgrace:
"NZ Super is unique because it is paid in full after a person has lived in New Zealand for 10 years. The Government invests around $7.8 billion annually to fund those entitlements. In most countries the level of a pension is based on the contributions a person has made during their working life.
I have a better solution to the problem: abolish NZ super. Overnight. Along with all the rest of the welfare. Follow Sinagpore's example & pass a family responsibility bill. Done.
It is a disgrace. They skite about a scheme (introduced by National)that defies efficiency and fairness; evidenced by the fact no other country does it. Of course a level of pension should be tied to the contributions a person has made during their lifetime.
I note that they go to pains to point out the $500M difference between what they get from external super funds and what they pay as NZ Super to recipients in that group.
I wonder how much of the $700M they pay here is because the recipient, although entitled to external super from another country because they worked there in a past life, has actually resided here for more than 10 years.
I can think of examples in my family. My mother-in-law gets some UK pension which is swallowed by NZ Govt and served to her as full NZ Super. She has been here a big chunk of her working life and is well entitled under NZ laws to that super and would be part of that $700M.
I suspect the $700M is not what it is deemed to be in this pr missive, but a legal entitlement.
p2. Dom Post. today.
Ooops. That's what comes from increasingly getting ones news from the internet. Funnily enough I did scan the paper for it but didn't look hard enough. Ta Dave.
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