Monday, November 07, 2011

Observation about competition

Watching TV these days nobody can not notice just how much competition shapes what's on offer. Constant Master Chefs, survival shows, talent shows like X Factor, American Idol and whatever-countries Got Talent, home development shows like The Block, Dancing With The Stars and so on.

Radical feminists, and their co-opts, tried to shape a modern culture that largely obliterated competiton. Because competition means winners and losers; competition means hurt feelings; competition challenges equality of outcomes.

What a bitch. They lost.


  1. Bruce S3:51 PM

    ...maybe the radical feminists lost the trivial TV ratings war; but they dominate the dominions of law, family and social injustice departments across the developed world. Relinquishing TV, in an internet world, is of no material consequence to them. Now; if we could just privatize our social development departments.....

  2. Anonymous5:11 AM

    I wonder if you draw a distinction between radical and non-redical feminists?

    Michael (wish I was wearing my "This is what a feminist looks like" tee shirt)

  3. Yes I do. There are also libertarian feminists. I remember Deborah Coddington doing a paper on this as part of Catherine Judd's Liberal project.
