Monday, November 07, 2011

Labour desperate with diametrically opposed positions

Today Labour released its welfare policy, now named ' child policy'.

According to the NZ Herald:
"We consider that the ways the In Work Tax Credit stigmatises beneficiary families, undervalues care, and keeps poor families income unnecessarily low outweigh any remaining issues about work incentives," the policy says.

It was Labour that introduced the In Work Tax Credit because they believed that the best way out of poverty was work.

This is a major turn around. It betrays their earlier position, arrived at under better intellects than Annette King's.

The Social Security Amendment Bill 2006, passed under Labour revolved around the principle:

"Work in paid employment offers the best opportunity for people to achieve social and economic well-being."

This policy reneges on that position. Implementation of it would drive up beneficiary numbers as the financial incentive to work is destroyed.


  1. "It's about our kids". Fine, but how do we get the help past their deadbeat Mums and non existant fathers? I'd be happy to see more of my tax dollars go towards food, education and health care for those kids as long as their breeders don't benefit without working. Can't see any sign that'll happen in todays announcement.

  2. Manolo7:12 AM

    Intellect and Anette King do not fit well in the same sentence.

    She ought to be retired!

  3. Bruce S5:57 PM

    Just "Labour desperate" would have summed their situation up nicely. And why aren't the electoral commission calling foul, after all, Labour are blatantly bribing and enticing a certain segment of electors using promised tax payer funds as an incentive? Labour are just as dastardly and objectionable out of power as they are when in government.
