Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Very funny Mr Locke

Really. His comment here is very funny. He is responding to John Key, who justified the omission of Iraq from National's defence saying the war in Iraq is over.


  1. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Locke is a buffoon, you could say a principled buffoon, but a clown nevertheless.

    His mumblings are amusing, irritating and utterly socialist. Lets give his views the disdain they deserve.

  2. Anonymous7:08 PM

    John Key may be able to publish his opinion about the Iraq conflict today
    and indeed, even next year if he still believes that.

    But no matter whether right or wrong both you and I will be committing
    an offence if we try to make any such statement after 1st Jan 2008.

    Note that Keith Locke will continue to be able to "take any position he likes"
    and you and I must remain mute till after the Election.
    Your blog, will be a target for oblivion in pretty short order I suppose.

    Are you sure that you have got the objectives of the EFBill in perspective.

  3. Not sure what you are saying David. I am completely opposed to the Electoral Finance Bill. I probably would have made a submission but I was busy with a submission on the RRB at the same time. You pick your fights. Perhaps that's what you mean. What do you want me to do to show I understand the seriousness of this threat to free speech? Stop blogging now?

    You know what I think? If this bill passes civil disobedience will be rife.

    What will happen to talkback radio? Letters to the Editor?

  4. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I share your puzzlement at David's comment , Lindsay.
    None of us need be concerned as Mathew Hooten has a submission that says it all. Not sure how to provide a link except this long address,

  5. Anonymous2:09 PM

    "What will happen to talkback radio? Letters to the Editor?"

    It won't stop this libertarian, Lindsay! :)

    (As an aside, the NZ Herald stopped printing my letters after I officially became involved with the Libs. Interesting, eh).

    Manolo: in case you're unaware/new to these shores etc, Locke's the son of the late Jack & Elsie Locke, shining lights of the old communist party. His sister is the former Auck City Councillor Maire Leadbetter, who made it her business to oppose everything that remotely smacked of progress/commercialism. He's bred to be red.
