Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Doesn't make sense

Helen Clark addresses the Southampton University with Social Democracy Under the Southern Cross. In effect it is a glorious and lengthy skite card.

Read what you can and then mentally finish it off with...

"And this is why polls are showing only a third of New Zealanders want my party and me to continue in government."

Doesn't make sense does it?


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Thanks for the link to Helen Clark's "skite card".

    Six elements beg comment.

    1. Unemployment has halved, achieved at the bottom of the business cycle.
    Previously productive people, and unproductive people, are now employed in government bureaucracy.

    2. WFF has dropped child poverty below EU averages.
    Is that the child poverty she was denying existed around the time John Key appeared on the scene?

    3. Health has absorbed rapidly growing funding.
    Doesn't "absorbed" suggest no visible benefit?

    4. Good social policy is resource intensive.
    Poor social policy even more so.

    5. Fewer than 70% of New Zealanders are of European descent.
    Is the European content of descendants of mixed heritage counted, or discounted in this result?

    6. Free trade with China.
    We have it now. We export our jobs to China, and then import the goods they make.
