Friday, January 12, 2007

When self-esteem is more important than the truth

Sometimes we tell little white lies to spare people's feelings. I have found myself trying to explain why this is OK to my children. Maybe it isn't. This sort of censorship certainly isn't.

(Hat tip


  1. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Indeed, if you can't acknowlede it & talk specifically about it then addressing it becomes a bit of a problem.
    Must say though that that under performing 'tail' in NZ similarly doesn't receive a great deal of publicity... it's not hidden though.

  2. Gloria, I was talking to a Maori friend yesterday who brought up life expectancy. I confirmed that people are living longer (she wasn't sure) and said Maori are but so are NZ Europeans so the gap isn't closing. So I drew attention to the difference rather than ignore it. If she had brought up education I would have responded the same way. We should talk about these things and why they are so.
    I don't think I cause offence. Hasn't seemed to trouble our friendship. I don't want to be pussyfooting about people due to their ethnicity.
