Friday, January 12, 2007

Madame Secretary

What a stunning photo this is from The Times UK. It contrasts strongly with the images we usually get of Condoleezza Rice. There is a rawness about it I find utterly compelling. What a god-awful job.


  1. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Mmmm.. The look says it all.

  2. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Condoleeza Rice is one influential lady. Has a Ph.D in Political Science, speaks fluent Russian, German, French and Spanish. On various Corporation Boards eg. Carnegie Corp, HP, Rand, Transamerica Corp etc. Has risen higher as an African-American woman than any other.

    She is one smart cookie, I like her politics, and just watch her run for President in 2008!

  3. She is also a dab-hand on the piano.
